Food and Safety Course for Homeowners in Developed Countries

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Because of the fact that taking a food and safety course for restaurant owners and employees as well as other businesses that are associated with food preparation and distribution, many homeowners think that this type of course will not benefit them. What they do not realize is that home-cooked or prepared meals and food can contain the same deadly bacteria strains as the meals that are inappropriately prepared in business or public establishments. Here are some of the common strains that are trending in the private homes of different developed countries.

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Food and Safety Course for Canadians

In the data that was compiled in 1997, it was revealed that private homes are the most common breeding grounds for three different types of pathogens that cause food poisoning which are the Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Campylobacter. Even though the number of food poisoning cases that are caused by these strains and are acquired at home have considerably gone down, Salmonellosis or Salmonella infections and Campylobacter infections are still common in the country according to Public Health Agency of Canada.

Food and Safety Course for Americans

According to a study that was conducted about the case of a past Escherichia coli outbreak in the US, it was determined that 80% of the hamburgers that were identified as the main causes of the illness came from private homes or were prepared by non-commercial establishments. The same trend was also observed in a past Salmonella outbreak which affected more than 700 people. It was revealed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that 21% of these cases were caused by food that were consumed and prepared in a private or residential establishment.

Food and Safety Course for Australians

Through the different studies that were conducted by researchers and healthcare professionals in the country, it was estimated that 90% of food diseases that are caused by a Salmonella infections are acquired through food or meals that are prepared at home. It was also extrapolated and calculated by many professionals that Australia has the highest number of Salmonella infection cases in comparison to other nearby countries such as New Zealand.

This means that taking a food and safety course is also helpful for homeowners in more developed areas and not just in third world countries. By taking this type of course, homeowners will learn how to prevent the formation and accumulation of these pathogens as well as the other strains that can also cause food poisoning or illness.

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