Food Handling Classes–How to Prevent Food Poisoning

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Food Handling Classes
Food Handling Classes

If you have ever experience the food poisoning or been a witness of someone who has, you will know that the illness is no fun could be fatal, which is why it is important that we only eat food that is prepared by a person who has attended a food handling class. It is a good thing that food handling classes have been made compulsory for workers in the food service industry but they should not be the only people required to take the class, food handling classes should be compulsory for every living human. In the class, you will learn about food handling procedure that help in preventing cross contamination and bacterial infection in food like some described in the article. Make it ahabit to always wash your hands, utensils and every other thing that comes in contact with the food you are preparing. You should wash your hands with warm soapy water for about 20 seconds before handling any food product. You should also wash your hands in between the food preparation after handling a type of food product, wash your hands before handling another; for example after handling raw meat, you must wash your hands before handling another food such as vegetables.Avoid the reuse of spoons, knives, cutting board and so on, previously used for food products such as raw meat, fish, poultry  afterwards for vegetables, fruits and other food product that do not need cooking without wash them properly. These are effective’s ways to avoid cross-contamination in food preparation. Store or keep raw and cooked food separately and make sure you do not use the same utensil used for raw food then for cooked food without washing it properly. Also, it is very important to store each food product at the appropriate temperature; raw food such as meat should be store at 40 F or below. Food should also be cooked at the appropriate temperature; food product such as raw meat should be cooked at 140 F. following this simple but very important processes prevent cross contamination in food preparation and storage. Storage facilities such as refrigerator and freezers should be kept at specific temperature and this should be monitored regularly otherwise you will have cross contamination in the food. The facilities should also be kept clean at all times so should be the kitchen environment too. The food items should also be stored following procedures you can learn from food handling


. For example, left-overs should be stored in shallow containers so the whole food can freeze evenly and fast. Also, the refrigerator should not be stuff with food living no space for cool
air to circulate well, thereby causing cross contamination in the food items. There are a whole lot more safe food handling procedures that can aid in preventing bacterial contamination and cross contamination in food keeping you and your family away from food poisoning. It is worth making the effort to learn more by attending a food handling class.

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